Contact person
Sara Hornborg
Contact SaraInterest in seafood – or blue food – such as fish, shellfish and algae is increasing. To guide and support today´s consumers and producers, RISE offers a value chain perspective from fisheries and aquaculture to plate.
RISE has a unique combination of cross-disciplinary expertise in seafood sustainability and food science. By partnering with us, it is easier to face challenges.
Many factors interact in seafood supply chains in our society today. Some of these are:
* different environmental pressures
* nutritional value of feed and food
* sensory experience
* consumer interest
* risk analysis
We believe that it is possible to affect the future direction of the seafood industry. By collaborating, we can develop novel, attractive, safe, healthy and sustainable products. This will take both consumption and production on a more sustainable path.
RISE overall aim is to facilitate a diversified and increased supply and demand for sustainable, safe and healthy seafood products. When working with RISE as a partner you can get support from our broad expertise to answer questions like:
What characterises sustainable options in the seafood sector? RISE is an independent actor who provides scientific synopsis, reports and/or evaluations to different stakeholders. Our standard offer related to sustainability is based on life cycle assessment, but also includes customized broader environmental assessments, literature reviews and data compilations. Examples include analysis of seafood from a sustainable nutrition perspective, policy briefs directed to different actors for a more sustainable seafood production and consumption in Sweden and regular compilation on Swedish seafood consumption.
How can we achieve a sustainable increase in consumption through seafood valorization? RISE acts as an innovation- and business partner for you and your company. We offer practical hands-on support in product development and process design, guided by sustainability and can cover a wide range of important aspects – sensory evaluations, mapping of consumer attitudes, food safety, materials science, digitalization and more. Examples include how to valorize sidestreams generated during processing as in the Ensilage project or developing novel fish feed ingredients that allow for sustainable growth, which was done in the Salmonaid project.
Where can I find resources and competences I need? RISE has a wide international and national network within the seafood value chain, with focus is on practical applications in society. Research applications often evolve in collaboration with different companies and organizations, always with sustainability in mind. Through our network, we can identify who is most suited to tackle a challenge and facilitate state-of-the-art collaborations for innovative solutions for a more sustainable development. Examples of existing networks and test beds where RISE takes part in are the Blue Food Centre and the Kristineberg Centre. We are also involved in international projects such as SIS Seafood and Feed Resources and FHF Oppdatert klimaregnskap for norsk havbruksnæring.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any challenge related to seafood – large or small!
Behaderovic, D. & Ziegler, F. (2020). Miljöavtrycket av odlade blåmusslor jämfört med vanliga proteinkällor. Report, RISE.
Hornborg, S., Bergman, K. & Ziegler, F. (2021). Svensk konsumtion av sjömat. Report, RISE.
Hornborg, S., Axelsson, A. & Ziegler, F. (2023). Driver svensk konsumtion av odlad lax ökat svenskt industrifiske i Östersjön? Report, RISE.
Hornborg, S., Bianchi, M. A., Thomas, J.-B., Wocken, Y., Axelsson, A., Sanders, C., Jacobsen, M., Trigo, J. P., Undeland, I. Hallström, E., Bryngelsson, S. & Ziegler, F. (2023). Environmental and nutritional perspectives of algae. Report, RISE.
Hornborg, S. & Axelsson, A. (2023). Hållbarhetsutvärderingar av sjömat i Sverige - nyckelfrågor för mer behovsbaserade verktyg. Report, RISE.
Langeland, M., Ziegler, F. & Wocken, Y. (2023). Greenhouse gas emissions of rainbow trout fed conventional and novel feeds from Baltic region, evaluated using Life Cycle Assessment. Report, Mistra Food Futures.
Ziegler, F., Axelsson, A. & Hornborg, S. (2023). Sverige och sjömaten - idag och imorgon. Kan vi samtidigt öka produktion, konsumtion och hållbarhet? Report, Mistra Food Futures.